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Philippians The Peace from God

And the peace of God, the one surpassing every mind, will keep your hearts and your thoughts in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:7

Philippians The Peace from God2023-11-27T10:35:10-08:00

Colossians Let the Peace of God Umpire

As The Elect, Colossians 3:12-13

Affections of Pity



Objectivity of Mind


Bearing One Another (Putting Up With)

Being Gracious, Colossians 3:13

Not Forgiving, but Having an Attitude Whereby You Give a Benefit Without Consideration of Merit

It is directed at yourself

Being kind to one another and gracious to yourselves, Ephesians 4:32

Also Directed at Others, Colossians 3:13

The Bond of Unity, Colossians 3:14

The Unity of the Spirit, Ephesians 4:3

Unity in Christ, Colossians 2:18-19

Maturity, Hebrews 6:1

The Peace of God Umpiring In Your Hearts, Colossians 3:15

Peace of God is not having a Ruffled Mind

Christ Left His Peace, John 14:27

It is not a peace from the world (The world does not know the way of peace), Romans 3:17

The Truth Christ Revealed to the Disciples of the New Relationship is So that We Have Peace, John 16:33

Peace Comes from Framing Our Minds on the Things of the Spirit, Romans 8:6

The Kingdom of God is not about food and drink, but righteousness, peace, and joy, Romans 14:17

Our God is not of Confusion, but Peace, 1 Corinthians 14:33

This Peace is an Aspect of the Fruit of the Spirit, Galatians 5:22

It is a Peace that Surpasses the Mind, Philippians 4:7

In Contrast to Those Who Umpire Against Us, Colossians 2:18

Human Umpiring is Against Us – Focusing on the “No”

God’s Peace Umpires by giving us an unruffled mind that focuses on the […]

Colossians Let the Peace of God Umpire2023-12-14T08:26:08-08:00

Simon the Sorcerer

Seeking to Purchase the Gift from God

Simon was a man in Samaria who practiced magic to astonish the people, through which he claimed to be someone great, Acts 8:9. Therefore, the people, great and small, all paid attention to him, saying that what he was doing was the great inherent ability of God, Acts 8:10. Sorcerer (μαγεύω) is one who practices magic (μαγεία). This is the same type of magic that street performers use today to amaze people and gain financially from them as they seek to be well-known for their skills. Simon was not the only one doing magic to obtain notoriety recorded in Scripture. Elymas, a false prophet who was known as a Sorcerer, stood against Saul and Barnabas, preventing them from speaking the Word of God to the proconsul of Paphos, seeking to turn Sergius Paulus from the faith, Acts 13:6-8. These men used magic to persuade the people that their power was from God and procure a position of high regard for themselves, giving them access to substantial wealth.

When Philip the evangelist came to Samaria proclaiming the gospel of the resurrected Christ, Simon the sorcerer was among those who believed. The signs and wonders that Philip was doing intrigued him, so he continued with Philip after being immersed, Acts 8:13. Although the Samaritans believed in the facts of the Gospel, they had not yet received the Holy Spirit because God was using this as an opportunity to show the Jews that He is accepting the Gentiles into the Church. Therefore, it was not until the Apostles sent Peter and John, who laid their hands on those who believed Philip’s message, that they received the Holy Spirit, Acts 8:16. The […]

Simon the Sorcerer2023-12-14T07:58:18-08:00

The Human Nature and How it Relates to Adam and the Christ

In discussing the human nature, there are major theological differences, especially in the realm of the spirit and soul. These disagreements are not discussed in this paper but will certainly influence the reader’s perception of what is stated. The author highly encourages the reader challenges their own thinking on this matter by solely relying on Scripture rather than theology to strengthen their understanding of and confidence in the truth regarding the human nature. This paper in no way implies, supports, suggest, or reveals that there is any change in the clear separation of the pre-Testament, Israel, Church, or Millennial Kingdom saints. These groups of believers have different promises with different content to their salvation and will always be distinct.

Where does the human soul and spirit come from? We know that the body comes from the parents, but what about the other parts of the human nature? To understand this, we are going to examine what Scripture reveals about where the body, soul, and spirit originate from and how this unique creation of God propagates, along with the fact that even though we share in our nature, we are individuals and personally liable to God.

In the creation of humans, we have two stories in Scripture that give us details on our beginning. These stories are not in contrast to one another; rather, the second one gives us more details on what God did in creating humans. In Genesis 1, we are given an overview of the renovation of the earth and the creation of Adam. God created humans; male and female1, yet He did not create both male and female. As we examine chapter two of Genesis, we find that Adam is […]

The Human Nature and How it Relates to Adam and the Christ2023-11-25T15:06:39-08:00

Knowing the Desirous Will of God – Overcoming the World System

Because everyone born out from God overcomes the world and this is the victory, the one overcoming the world, our faith – 1 John 5:4

The world system is the method developed by Satan to control the sin nature of humans and get them to do what he wants. The first world system was established out from Cain’s line, for he chose to follow Satan and his ways, which was not to slay his brother, but to persuade the whole family to follow Satan rather than God. This is seen in the offering Cain made that God would not even look at, for it was of the works of his hands and was intended to be an offering of his own righteousness.

Not just as Cain was out from the malignantly evil and slew as a sacrifice his brother. And on account of what did he slay his brother? Because his works were malignantly evil but his brothers were righteous – 1 John 3:12

From the world system comes commerce, Genesis 4:20, culture, Genesis 4:21, industry, Genesis 4:22, and judicial systems, Genesis 4:23-24. And is established through the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes with the pride of biological life, 1 John 2:16, for the intent of placating unsaved humans, 1 John 5:19. Fear and lying are the predominant tools we are seeing today to manipulate everyone to do what Satan wants. He sets up malignantly evil men in positions of power that ignore the law to maintain this control over the world. Satan even tempted Jesus with the world system, offering Him all the kingdoms of the world, Matthew 4:8-9.

The first world system was destroyed in the Noahic flood, for it had resulted […]

Knowing the Desirous Will of God – Overcoming the World System2023-11-25T07:49:15-08:00
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